Sunday, November 10, 2019

Tarot Reading - Major Arcana's

Major Arcana - 22 Cards 

  1. ( 0 ) The Fool:  This is the wise fool who is free of restrictions, likes freedom,
    Major Arcana - Destiny Card - The Fool
    The Fool
      innocent like a child. New opportunities are indicated. The journey is
    expected. Basically, he is a risk-taker. The fool is the ideas of innocence, love of life, and openness of future possibilities. There is an indication of a new opportunity, a new way of life excitement about new projects. It indicates the willingness to take the risk and to live in the present without unnecessary worries about the future. It is the start of a new relationship. That which you are in need of will be given,  although it may not come in the form you think, you want, or you need.
  2. ( 1 ) The Magician: The focus is on new beginnings, love's urging, houses or

    Major Arcana - Destiny Card - The Magician
    The Magician
    properties, finance, and the future. The result will be up to you. It depends entirely on your intention, desire, or how much you want it. This card is a signal to act and act now, provided you understand exactly what you want and are committed to getting it. The person has power and control in the situation.
  3. ( 2 )The High Priestess: Focus is on positive and negative faces of life. Once

    Major Arcana - Destiny Card - The high Priestess
    THE HIGH Priestess
    you make a decision or decided upon a goal, make a commitment to it and let nothing divert you from it. This is a waiting period, changes are taking place on the inner planes. These new energies will be released and you will spring back into full force. You can also expect a pleasant surprise. Visualize you want to be and you shall be. 
  4. ( 3 )The Empress:  This card represents feelings, love, emotions, success,

    Major Arcana - Destiny Card - The Empress
    THE Empress
    marriage, pregnancy, and motherhood. Not to give up as there might be some delays. There is a promise to future success. The Empress represents a warm, welcoming environment, a comfortable home, good relationships, love and enjoyment of life. She is both physical and emotional security and readiness to help others. You are in a secure relationship. This is a card of good fortune with regard to all sexual matters or soul mate.
  5. ( 4 )The Emperor: He is a great person who is mature, has power and authority.

    Major Arcana - Destiny Card - The Emperor
    THE Emperor
    He has a dominating nature. This card indicates a new lifestyle or a new partnership. The Emperor represents earthy power and authority and the institutions of society. The Emperor may indicate difficulty in expressing genuine feelings. This person could be a boss or partner.
  6. ( 5 )The Hierophant or High Priest: This card represents

    Major Arcana - Destiny Card - The Hierophant
    The Hierophant
    establishments, organizations, and groups of structures including the family structure.  It indicates the need seek to advise or information regards to a specific problem: a visit to a doctor, personal counselor, marriage, close personal relationships. Let go of your attachments to past, feelings of loss, or your old routine, and move into the new and unknown. That is where you will find your opportunities.
  7. ( 6 )The Lovers: This card indicates, love, friendship, commitment, long term

    Major Arcana - Destiny Card - The Lovers
    The Lovers 
    relationship, marriage or business partnership. Basically, it's a marriage card i, e. bounded relationship where universe giving blessings. Lovers are a commitment to long term relationships. Once the choice has been made, it will be very hard to turn back, but you will do the right thing or come to the right conclusion and someone or something will correct the problem.
  8. ( 7 ) The Chariot:  This card indicates travel, courage, will power, ambition and

    Major Arcana - Destiny Card - The Chariot
    The Chariot
    all the qualities of organizations and determination, which will lead to success and high achievement. In relationships, it indicates struggle and conflict. Great self-control and strength of will and a clear sense of purpose and direction are indicated. It may sometimes, in relationships, suggest a selfish and overdemanding personality, trying to impose his or her will upon his or her partner
  9. ( 8 ) The Strength: This card indicates a positive frame of mind, a challenging

    Major Arcana - Destiny Card - Strength
    The Strength
    situation pertaining to business, finance, family matters, etc. The reward will come from your efforts and you will have the power to succeed. At first, the thing seems to be dangerous or uncontrollable but later may become a source of strength and energy. You will overcome all difficulties and nothing will keep you from advancing towards your goals. This card also represents powerful sexual desires, which must be channeled in the right direction.
  10. ( 9 ) The Hermit: The focus is on guidance, advice, patience, and peace. You have

    Major Arcana - Destiny Card - The Hermit
    The Hermit
    reached a point in your evolution where you find that you do not have all the answers. The Hermit is a person who has left society, avoiding the distractions and preoccupations of the social interaction and concern for material things. Turn his attention into spiritual values and self-development. There is a need for rest and recovery after a period of hard work and activity. You need space for yourself within a relationship and its now time to think of your own needs as well. 
  11.  ( 10 ) The Wheel of Fortune: This card indicates a period of success and

    Major Arcana - Destiny Card - Wheel of Fortune
    Wheel of Fortune
    good fortune as the past struggles and difficulties will come to an end. Unexpected good news is indicated. A new start or a new direction in your favor, where no evil can harm you. The Wheel of Fortune represents the discovery of true faith and trust in God. You will be turning from a limited to an expanded self-directed action to serving others. Get ready for a new way of life because one is about to begin

12 ( 11 ) The Justice: This Card represents fair outcome, truth, rational judgment,

Major Arcana - Destiny Card- justice
The Justice
law and order, and balance. These agreements will be solved with the assistance of some third party. Problems will be solved one by one and a bad phase will end. Be careful while signing documents.  In a spread it represents justice. Disagreements will be solved in a fair and rational manner, possibly with the assistance of some third party acting as an arbitrator.

Major Arcana - Destiny Card- justice
The Justice
law and order, and balance. These agreements will be solved with the assistance of some third party. Problems will be solved one by one and a bad phase will end. Be careful while signing documents.  In a spread it represents justice. Disagreements will be solved in a fair and rational manner, possibly with the assistance of some third party acting as an arbitrator.

13 ( 12 ) The Hanged Man: This card indicates sacrifice, emotions,

Major Arcana - Destiny Card - The Hangedman
The Hangedman

commitments, disappointments, and ways of thinking, etc. You want to move from a temporary situation to permanent. Views and ideas differ from others. Not the right time to make a decision. The meaning of the  Hanged Man, at first sight, is not very clear, and yet it represents an unusual viewpoint, which may be hard for others to understand. You may feel ready to sacrifice everything for love because your love is genuine and very strong. A turbulent time is coming to an end and problems will be resolved one by one.

14 ( 13 ) The Death: Focus is on ending and new beginnings of a career, partnership,

Major Arcana - Destiny Card - Death
new lifestyle, new opportunities, etc. The Dead Shall be rise again.  Physical death in the family is rarely indicated. It represents the major changes in your life, showing that something has to come to an end. You will be moving or separating from the unpleasant past into new and better experiences. it is impossible to ever return to what went before. This card also indicates the ending of a relationship and the end of sexual innocence.

15 ( 14 ) The Temperance:  It will take special efforts and concentration on your

Major Arcana - Destiny Card - Temperance
part to use the opportunity to your advantage. Try not to be overconfident. You may be in a dilemma where you need to choose between two options. You are an efficient, responsible person who is able to cope in a situation, where caution, tact is required. Also indicates self-controlled, calm, and restrained in difficult circumstances.

16 ( 15 ) The Devil:  This card indicates a negative cycle and events where nothing

Major Arcana - Destiny Card - The Devil
The Devil

goes right. This indicates some kind of bondage, some losses, bad investments, bad marriage, fear, tension, anger, violence, and sexual domination, etc. Marriage and business partnership is not advised. Your preception will be clouded and you won't be able to see clearly. You may feel that there is no escape from your workload, lifestyle or undesired fate. This also indicates the dead-end of love affairs. Slow down, plan carefully, proceed with caution, and get a second option if necessary.

17 ( 16 ) The Tower: This card indicates unexpected bad news, business loss, divorce,

Major Arcana - Destiny Card - The Tower
The Tower
miscarriage, physical accident, etc. Not the right time for anything. It is a traumatic experience which usually occurs unexpectedly. This card could be a physical accident or sudden revelation which comes as a terrible shock and causes great distress and emotional pain. Its a downfall of the ego, and a blow to the pride. A sudden loss of income, a loss of work indicated.

18 ( 17 ) The Star: It indicates hope, wishes, desires, and renewal of faith. an

Major Arcana - Destiny Card - The Star
The Star
opportunity to recover after a period of struggle and hardship. unexpected release from a problem which was seen as unsolvable. It depicts a sense of great peace and tranquillity. It suggests cleansing, refreshment, and renewal. The star suggests an inner sense of calm, happiness, contentment and optimism. It can represent a return to health after a physical illness. An improvement in love life if you suffered in the past. Things will work out better than expected, and your faith in the future will burn brightly.

19 ( 18 ) The Moon: This card represents doubts, fear, loneliness, bad dreams,

Major Arcana - Destiny Card - The Moon
The Moon
depression, insecurity, moodiness, and dullness. Not a right to start anything new. You are facing some difficult problems. You can not see very far ahead and there are unknown pitfalls awaiting you. The card signifies a lack of close relationship in your life. You feel isolated and without love. The fear associated with this card may be a fear of sex or a dislike of women. For every win, there must be a lost,  for every happiness, there must be sadness, and for every positive move a negative challenge. Be neutral and follow your inner light.

20 ( 19 ) The Sun: This card indicates success, joy, achievement, ambition, good

Major Arcana - Destiny Card - The Sun
The Sun
relation, glamour, travel, good health, birth, and good news. It indicates success in any matter. There are much power and confidence, contentment, and an ability to enjoy life to the fullest. Certainly, The Sun is one of the most positive cards in the deck, and it represents the very best of joy and success. it is excellent for your love life and represents the attainment of your deepest desires.

21 ( 20 ) Judgement: It indicates the one phase of life and beginning of a new

Major Arcana - Destiny Card - Judgement
In some way, you judge others or are being judged by those. You want to buy the past and start fresh after a period of suffering or failure. You will find happiness. There is an end of something or a change of some sort. The past will begin to fade, and you experience a regeneration of mind or spirit, which will be directed towards new areas, and new beginnings.

22 ( 21 ) The World: This card is fulfillment, success, harmony, travel, encounters,

Major Arcana - Destiny Card - The World
The World
risks, and restrictions, etc. Will succeed in all areas of life and come out on top as it's been predicted. Here are the completion and the successful outcome of any matter. A sense of oneness that is experienced at the time of success and achievement. There will be issues, encounters, and gatherings, travel, change, new opportunities, but also restrictions, walls or blocks. Eventually, you will surmount limitations and obstacles and come out on top.


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